Goodreads Summary

Nick never did care what people thought about having a girl for a best friend—or the “scandal” she caused by showing up to his wife’s funeral four years earlier—so he’s got no problem with the gossips now. Jayne was always the one person he could count on in his life. Now Nick is starting to realize that he never wants her to leave again . . . and that being “just friends” isn’t going to be enough anymore.
My Thoughts
I want to start by talking about the cover because it is gorgeous. I'm not always a fan of people on book covers. Too often female writers are stuck with cheesy covers that don't do their books justice, but this one is beautiful and not just because of the people on the cover. It just seems magical in a way and I can't wait to pick up a physical copy. Luckily this book was as beautifully written as it's cover.
If you read the book's description than you know you're about to be in for an emotional rollercoaster and this book didn't disappoint. Jayne is anything but plain, but she is so broken that she doesn't realize it. Nick, poor Nick, is so wrapped up in his own head to realize what his heart is screaming at him. It was beautiful to see these two stumble through getting reacquainted. Jayne didn't want to step on any toes and Nick didn't care about what anyone thought.
I loved the characters in this book. Jayne and Nick were great, but the minor characters were important too. Carter, Nick's cousin, was probably my favourite character in the book. There were times when I wished that Ms. Drewry had followed him home because I was just so curious what he was up to. He didn't pull the reader's attention from Nick and Jayne, but he added to their world. He was just so smart and witty. I could read an entire book based solely on Carter.
Maya, Ellie, and Regan were an interesting bunch of women Jayne befriended, but it was nice to see Jayne with a group of girls that she could talk her issues out with. Dr. Scott, Nick's dad, was a nice touch to the novel too. With Jayne's history it would make sense if she didn't trust adults, but she knew she could count on him...even if his wife was horrible to her. I would have liked to know more about Nick's mother and why she could be so horrible at times. Maybe Ms. Drewry can bring that up when she writes about Carter. ;)
Oh and the John Hughes movie quotes at the start of each chapter was a nice touch too. Pick up your copy of Plain Jayne April 8th.
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